Saturday, 12 January 2013

A bit quieter today

We decided that today we would go for a bit of a drive and also do a bit of shopping.  We didn't really buy a lot, but we ended up in Newport looking at the shops there.  I did find of Jimmy Choo shoes, but at $1200, they were slightly out of my price range.

Mum was determined to get a photo of a school bus...and she found one!

We got back to Disney at around 6 and decided to head to the Rainforest Cafe for dinner as we had promised them we would go there.  We had a good look around Downtown Disney (no photos because I had a day without my camera) and then we went for dinner.  It was very nice....great, fun surroundings...and yes Ross, we had a "Volcano" dessert, just for you.
Table beside the aquarium

Bry with his Corona-ita...actually quite tasty

"Volcano!  Volcano! Volcano" as the waiters yell as they serve it.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like that gay 29er has taken its toll on you Bryan. That Coron-ita doesn't look right!
