Saturday, 5 January 2013

Las Vegas to Palm Springs

Good bye Las Vegas!

Checking out of the Cliffs
Not the real sign, but close enough

We were again out the door before 8 and heading to our next destination...Palm Springs.

We were driving through the desert again, so the view didn't change too much for a while.

Loved the name of this road

We had been driving for a couple of hours and the girls were starting to get hungry.  Rather than stopping at a roadside fast food outlet, we decided to stop at a '50's' diner that had been advertising along the road side for the past 30 minutes.  Lauren was pretty excited to be going to a diner.

Sorry Dad.  No one decided to order the Gary Cooper

The meal wasn't anything too exciting, but it was fun to stop there.

Across the road was an interesting sight.  It was a Marine logistics base where they repair and overhaul vehicles that are being used in the Middle East.  It was weird to see rows of tanks and armoured vehicles just sitting there on train carriers.

We continued on with our drive and arrived in Palm Springs just on sunset.  We checked into our accommodation and decided to walk to find somewhere to eat.  We walked for quite a way, taking in the sights of Palm Springs.  We eventually decided to go to a Mexican restaurant.  It was delicious!!!
Loving the Margaritas over here. veges and salad we've had here

We slowly walked back and crashed into bed.

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